Step of Faith Ministries   A Church With You In Mind
Step of Faith is a multi-cultural church and we welcome people of all nationalities
In November 2001, Elder Thornton and family moved to Columbia, Missouri where he was impressed upon by the Lord to begin "Step of Faith Ministries". Step of Faith held its first service in the Columbia Jaycees Building at 2315 N. Stadium Dr. Columbia, Missouri on February 3rd, 2002. 

In 2008 the ministry secured a location at 707 Vandiver. While there we were blessed to be able to evangelize the surrounding neighborhoods first with the children, this lead to meeting their parents and slowly but surely they are coming. One year later Step of Faith moved to its present location at 1414 Rangeline. Initially only suite H was available but through prayer, Step of Faith was able to secure the adjoining suite within one and one half years! Glory to God!

Step of Faith Ministries endeavors to serve the Lord by serving the community, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, the wounded, the neglected, the forgotten and abandoned. By the grace of God we strive to meet the needs of those searching for peace and love through Jesus Christ. Our outreach extends North, South, East and West of the city as well. Our desire is to take the gospel around the world. 

We are able to share the word of God, showing love by delivering food, and encouragement. Also through the giving of our members we are able to assist various community organizations such as, Love Inc. Teen Challenge, Stop The Violence, The St. Francis Men’s Shelter, True North (the Battered Women’s Shelter) the Food bank of Central Missouri and the Voluntary Action Center and the Salvation Army. To God be the Glory!


What We Believe

We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God. 

               We believe that there is One God, eternally existent in three persons:                God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

We believe in the Blessed Hope,
which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return

We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance:        faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and being baptized in Water.

We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost 
is absolutely essential for Personal salvation.

                    We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross                       provides healing for the human body in answer to believing in prayer.

                                We believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost,                                according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it.

                            We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit,                                                               by whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live                               a Holy and separated life in this present world Amen.

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